12 July 2006

asserting feminism

One reason why we should go to womyn's nights is the reality that patriarchy is very much alive and feminism in being declared dead.

If feminism is dead, we do CPR and revive it. If it is stuck along with the oldies who won't let go of their privileged feminist privileges, we grab our duties and continue working towards a world where respect for different genders is not a privilege, not just a right, but a natural state of mind.

Have you ever experienced being ignored by two men talking and exchanging toasts and boasts even if you had something important to say and what you say actually determines the two's conversation? Have you ever been assessed based solely on how your hair looked, what make-up you put on and what dress you wore that day? Did you have to be offensive just so you could defend yourself? Did you have to be twice as good so you could be treated as an equal?

No matter what frustations we have with Feminism-- in its many contradicting variations-- we still need it. It is still relevant. We have to hang on to it.

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